How does sexual assault affect us

Sexual assault can be one of the most horrifying things that can happen to a human being. It’s important to remember that it’s never the survivors fault, and all the fault belongs with the perpetrator who wanted to do the sexual assault. Unfortunately, millions of young girls and boys are sexually assaulted every year. ThereContinue reading “How does sexual assault affect us”

Why do my family and friends not believe me about my sexual assault?

Having experienced sexual assault is one of the most traumatic life events that can happen to anyone. On top of that, it is unfortunately common that people in the persons life will not believe them about their sexual assault and rape. Others will often question if the trauma survivor is telling the truth, exaggerating whatContinue reading “Why do my family and friends not believe me about my sexual assault?”

Experiencing rape in college

Experiencing rape or sexual assault can be one of the most painful, secretive, and shameful events that can ever happen to anyone. College is supposed to be a time where we are differentiating from our parents, figuring out who we are and who we want to be. It can be an incredibly scary time ofContinue reading “Experiencing rape in college”