Overcoming Childhood Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is a silent vampire that can haunt its victims long into adulthood. Unlike physical abuse, its scars are often hidden, etched into the very fabric of one’s emotional well-being. For those who have experienced childhood emotional abuse, the road to healing can be arduous, but it is a journey worth taking. This blogContinue reading “Overcoming Childhood Emotional Abuse”

How can I embrace my inner child?

In the hustle and bustle of adult life, it’s easy to lose touch with the carefree, imaginative spirit of our inner child. However, reconnecting with this playful side can be a powerful and transformative experience on our journey to emotional well-being. The Importance of Embracing Your Inner Child Practical Steps for Embracing Your Inner ChildContinue reading “How can I embrace my inner child?”

What is inner child healing?

As a therapist and trauma survivor myself, one of my all-time favorite quotes is “be the person you need it when you were younger”. This is the essence of inner child healing. Our childhood and teenage years are the most important years developmentally. This includes social emotional development, and also actual brain development. The experiencesContinue reading “What is inner child healing?”

Was my mother/father/parent a narcissist?

The term narcissist has been used more more and recent times and is starting to gain increasing awareness among the general population. If you’ve heard of the term narcissist and heard a little bit about what a narcissist is, you may be wondering if your parent was a narcissist. Merriam Webster define narcissism in generalContinue reading “Was my mother/father/parent a narcissist?”

Experiencing rape in college

Experiencing rape or sexual assault can be one of the most painful, secretive, and shameful events that can ever happen to anyone. College is supposed to be a time where we are differentiating from our parents, figuring out who we are and who we want to be. It can be an incredibly scary time ofContinue reading “Experiencing rape in college”

Therapy for PTSD

Having complex post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD affects our every day lives. We want to feel better within ourselves and within our relationships. Therapy is a really good place to start. So we know that we have PTSD, and we know that we need therapy, but now what? When looking for a trauma therapist,Continue reading “Therapy for PTSD”

Can I do EMDR on Telehealth virtual therapy?

Telehealth therapy has been on the rise ever since COVID showed us that we can do therapy and stay connected virtually. There are some types of therapy that have both clinicians and clients wondering if they can be done successfully and ethically via Telehealth. EMDR is one of these. EMDR, or eye movement decensitization andContinue reading “Can I do EMDR on Telehealth virtual therapy?”

Do I have PTSD?

You probably have heard the term PTSD and if you are on this page you are wondering if you qualify for the diagnosis. There is a lot of information going around about PTSD in recent years so let me help parse out the four main components of PTSD below. 1. AVOIDANCE: Avoidance is one ofContinue reading “Do I have PTSD?”

Do I need therapy?

Unlike past times, going to seek mental health therapy has now become mainstream as well as respected and seen as a healthy trait in a potential partner instead of a red flag. Whether or not to seek therapy is something that all of us have considered at some point in our lives. Therapy is notContinue reading “Do I need therapy?”

How to Stop Overthinking

If you’re reading this… welcome to the club! Overthinking is extremely common when it comes to anxiety, daily stressors and/or trauma symptoms. We all the know the feeling… overthinking about something we said or didn’t say, overthinking about a romantic parter, staying up at night replaying the past, future, all of our to do lists,Continue reading “How to Stop Overthinking”