Am I Dating or Married To A Narcissist?

You may feel sad, terrified, angry, numb and confused. Things in your relationship have gone too far. You don’t know what happened… things were so good at the beginning. You might be reading this to try to determine if you are (or were) dating or married to a narcissist. As a professional who specializes inContinue reading “Am I Dating or Married To A Narcissist?”

Experiencing rape in college

Experiencing rape or sexual assault can be one of the most painful, secretive, and shameful events that can ever happen to anyone. College is supposed to be a time where we are differentiating from our parents, figuring out who we are and who we want to be. It can be an incredibly scary time ofContinue reading “Experiencing rape in college”

Therapy for PTSD

Having complex post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD affects our every day lives. We want to feel better within ourselves and within our relationships. Therapy is a really good place to start. So we know that we have PTSD, and we know that we need therapy, but now what? When looking for a trauma therapist,Continue reading “Therapy for PTSD”

How Abortion Policies Affect Trauma Survivors

My therapeutic specialty is working with women and men who are trauma survivors… survivors of war, survivors of abuse, survivors of childhood trauma. I am also a woman who is a survivor of childhood trauma myself. Throughout my work and my life experiences I have seen how trauma can be triggered by events happening inContinue reading “How Abortion Policies Affect Trauma Survivors”

What is toxic positivity?

A lot of the clients that I work with are interested in manifesting and the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that whatever energy we put out is what we will get back. Believing in manifesting and the law of attraction are both, in themselves, not harmful at all. They can be helpfulContinue reading “What is toxic positivity?”

Do I have PTSD?

You probably have heard the term PTSD and if you are on this page you are wondering if you qualify for the diagnosis. There is a lot of information going around about PTSD in recent years so let me help parse out the four main components of PTSD below. 1. AVOIDANCE: Avoidance is one ofContinue reading “Do I have PTSD?”

Do I need therapy?

Unlike past times, going to seek mental health therapy has now become mainstream as well as respected and seen as a healthy trait in a potential partner instead of a red flag. Whether or not to seek therapy is something that all of us have considered at some point in our lives. Therapy is notContinue reading “Do I need therapy?”

What is EMDR?

Many of us have heard about EMDR in passing or from loved ones who rave about how effective of a therapy modality it is but it leaves us wondering… what the heck is EMDR? EMDR stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing which is a long way of saying it uses bilateral stimulation (stimulating bothContinue reading “What is EMDR?”

Do I need Psychotherapy with Ketamine Treatment?

Are you interested in seeking ketamine treatments to help you overcome depressive, anxious or trauma symptoms? Have you already started on the path of ketamine infusions and find yourself seeking to properly prepare or integrate those experiences? If your answer is yes to one of these questions, you are in the right place. I amContinue reading “Do I need Psychotherapy with Ketamine Treatment?”